When you are employing new people it is important that you follow the rules and regulations. According to the government, there are six key things you ought to know when employing staff for the first time.
- When deciding on how much to pay someone you must ensure that the rate is at least the minimum wage. The current hourly rates as of October 2014 are
- Aged 21 and above £6.50
- Aged 18-20 £5.13
- Under 18 year old employees are entitled to £3.79
- Apprentices are entitled to £2.73.
If you are unsure you can use the Wage calculator: https://www.gov.uk/am-i-getting-minimum-wage .
- You must check that the candidate for the job is eligible to work in the UK. https://www.gov.uk/legal-right-work-uk
- If you work in a field that requires a DBS check you must ensure that you apply for them for every employee. Formerly known as a CRB check, a DBS check is a ‘Disclosure barring service check’. Fields that require these checks include working in security, with vulnerable people, working with children or healthcare etc. To get a DBS check the employer must:
- Get an application form
- Fill in and return form along with documents providing their identity
- If the application is successful the DBS will send the applicant a certificate.
To find out more information follow this link: https://www.gov.uk/disclosure-barring-service-check
- You will need employer’s liability insurance as soon as you start employing people. Employer’s liability insurance will help you pay compensation if an employee is injured or becomes ill because of the work they do for you. You could face fines of £2500 everyday you are not properly insured. You can also be fined £1000 if you do not display your Employers Liability Certificate or refuse to make it available to inspectors.
- If you are employing someone for more than 1 month you must send details of the job including Terms and Conditions in writing to your employee. This must include the business name, employees name, job title, description of work and start date, how much and how often they will be paid, hours of work, holiday entitlement, the location of work etc. For more advice on employee contracts follow this link: https://www.gov.uk/employment-contracts-and-conditions/written-statement-of-employment-particulars
- You must inform HMRC by registering as an employer. You can do this up to 4 weeks before you pay your new staff. https://www.gov.uk/register-employer
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