You may, or may not, be aware of recent changes to the Directors responsibility of letting Companies House know when there have been changes to your Company.
Previously, you only had to inform Companies House of any changes annually – this has now changed to notifying them within 14 days/a month of any change to your company.
So, what changes do you need to let Companies House know about?
Within 14 days:
- Changing your company’s registered office address
- You must tell Companies House if you want to change your company’s registered office address. If the change is approved, they will advise HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC).
- Your company’s new registered office address must be in the same part of the UK that the company was registered (incorporated).
- For example, if your company was registered in England and Wales, the new registered office address must be in England or Wales.
Your address won’t officially change until Companies House has registered it, they will advise you when this happens.
- The address where you keep your records, and which records you keep there
- Changes to Directors (appointing a new one or ending an existing one’s appointment) & or their personal details, like their address
- Changes to Company Secretaries (appointing a new one or ending an existing one’s appointment)
Within One Month:
- You must tell Companies House within a month if you issue more shares in your company.
Find out more from Companies House about a Directors responsibilities here.
Prior to notifying Companies House, there are some changes that shareholders must approve first:
You may need to get shareholders to vote on the decision if you want to:
- change the company name
- remove a director
- change the company’s articles of association
- This is called ‘passing a resolution’. Most resolutions will need a majority to agree (called an ‘ordinary resolution’). Some might require a 75% majority (called a ‘special resolution’).
Companies House has more details about the types of changes and resolutions you must report to them.
Changes you must notify directly to HMRC:
You must tell HMRC if:
- your business’ contact details change – for example, your name, business name or your personal or trading address
- you appoint an accountant or tax adviser
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