Thousands of taxpayers are targeted each year by criminals by using bogus forms of communication e.g. e-mails, text and social media messages. There are simple steps you can take to check whether HMRC have in fact contacted you.
- E-mail addresses – bogus e-mails usually have e-mail addresses similar to those of HMRC such as Revenue, HMRC or gov. An example of one being which is there to mislead and can falsify the “from” address to appear legitimate. To check this hover over the link and at the bottom left hand corner of your browser page to indicate the actual link it will lead to. If you are unsure of where the message comes from don’t open it or if you do and still doubtful don’t click on any links or downloads
- Links and attachments – if these are within the e-mail don’t open if you are unsure or are suspicious. Fraudsters can make the linked page look very much like the homepage of HMRC’s website or any attachments could contain viruses. Both have the aim of obtaining personal or confidential information.
- Personal information – HMRC will never e-mail about offering you a repayment, notifying you of a tax rebate, asking for disclosure of personal information or ask you to respond to a non-HMRC personal e-mail address.
- Request urgent action – be wary of e-mails asking for immediate action or needing action within a short time frame e.g. three days etc.
- Common greeting – e-mails from HMRC generally start with your name and inform you of how to report any phishing within the e-mail and will not start with “Dear Sir/Madam”, “Dear customer” or “Hello.”
Forward any e-mails you think are suspicious to HMRC’s phishing team and await for their response and guidance.
You can go to to see up to date information on a current list of digital and other contact issued from HMRC.
Source: The Telegraph “Bogus HMRC e-mails: the official guide to spotting scam.”
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