You may receive fraudulent emails which are known as ‘Phishing Emails’. These are used to obtain personal/ financial information including passwords, credit card or bank account details. They often include links to fake websites encouraging people to enter personal details.
The HMRC deliver guidance to help people look for phishing emails. Fraudsters often have misleading email addresses including accounts with HMRC or revenue names in them such as . They advise that the HM Revenue & Customs will never send notifications of a tax rebate by email, or ask you to disclose personal or payment information by email.
Fraudulent emails can contain links to webpages similar to the HMRC website however these are used to trick people into disclosing personal/confidential information. You should also be aware that fraudsters customise their emails with links to genuine HMRC websites. Fraudsters often send high volumes of phishing emails in one go therefore you should be wary of generic greetings like ‘Dear customer’. Also attachments on fraudulent emails can often contain viruses which are another way to obtain personal and financial information.
The HMRC can act upon phishing emails by removing reported fraudulent websites. If you have already given any personal information away to an email you suspect is fraudulent you can still report this to the HMRC. You can report phishing and bogus emails relating to the HMRC by forwarding the email to this address
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