SME trade shows can be a sea of blue and grey suits. So, if we are saying we are different, this is a great opportunity to show we are.
At a trade show, we are looking for conversations. Conversation with people who have businesses. These allow us to show people that we are knowledgeable, personable, helpful…. but this interaction is at its most valuable if we are memorable.
If the people we meet remember us, then our attendance was great PR. But, what if we want to get something more out of taking a stand at a show? The following up of leads is an opportunity to generate real value. If we follow up with a call and they remember us, we have a much greater chance of securing a meeting, which may then lead to us doing business together. So, how do we get people to remember us?
This is where your branding really comes in. For us, the orange is a great hook. When I make a follow up call and say, “we were the Accountants wearing orange”, they immediately know who we are.
So, what makes you memorable?
Your hook needs to be personal to you. Something you believe in and are passionate about. Something reflective of you and what you stand for!
So – What is your hook?
Our Services
Cloud Accounting
If your business is growing, then you may need to access some sort of finance product to facilitate your growth. With so many products available, it can be bewildering. How do you work out how much you need, for how long and which product/or products are right for you?
Company Year End
The legal and compliance burden put on businesses through the need to submit tax returns and other such documents to strict deadlines is often one of the most stressful elements of running a business.
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When it comes to supporting small enterprises, helping them grow whilst avoiding regulatory and commercial pitfalls, we have a weath of experience, expertise and a kettle - a very good kettle. If you think we could be a good fit, get in touch to see how we can add value to your business.