Access to Finance
If your business is growing, then you may need to access some sort of finance product to facilitate your growth.
With so many products available, it can be bewildering. How do you work out how much you need, for how long and which product/or products are right for you?
Most people are aware of loans, as most of us have had a personal loan at some point in our life, but what about asset finance, invoice finance, factoring, equity investment and do you qualify for a grant?
As a management accountant with over 20 years’ experience in industry, Jo can work with you on your business plan and cash flow forecast, so that you can 1) see how much you will need and for how long, and 2) which product or products are the best suited to your needs. Then she can work with you and the most suitable finance provider to help with the process of being accepted for finance run smoothly.